Barbara was a lovely and intelligent girl, the daughter of Dioscorus, who was a wealthy nobleman and a pagan. In order to protect his young daughter, Dioscorus built a magnificent tower for her to live in and to keep her safe. He spared no expense, providing her with every material luxury, the best food, clothing, servants and teachers, but forbade her to have friends and even speak to anyone without his permission. Barbara was a bright and intelligent girl who was obedient to her father's wishes and remained in the tower, without complaint, even during his frequent business trips. Dioscorus felt that by keeping her secluded from the world, she was sure to grow up and be a pagan worshipper.
One day, before leaving on one of his many business trip, Dioscorus decided to build a bathhouse for Barbara next to her tower. He drew up plans and left strict instructions for the builders to follow. His business however, kept him away for an unusually long time, so that the workers were over half finished with the bathhouse and he had still not returned home. It was around this time that Barbara came down from her tower to inspect the new structure. She noticed that it only had two windows, and she instructed the workers to create a third window. The workers were afraid to deviate from the plans, but Barbara assured them that she would assume full responsibility with her father for the change. The workers, aware of the love that Dioscorus had for his only daughter, agreed and placed a third window in the bathhouse.
When the construction was nearly completed, Barbara stood by the pool facing the east she said, “In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit,” and she miraculously drew the sign of the cross in the marble wall of the bathhouse with her finger. She then returned to her tower where she spent her time fasting and praying.
When Dioscorus finally arrived home he immediately noticed the third window in the bathhouse and became very angry. He entered the bathhouse, to inspect it further, and then noticed the large cross, carved on the marble wall. He became furious. He quickly went to the workers and demanded to know who gave them permission to make changes to the bathhouse. The workers, cowering in the face of such anger, replied that Barbara instructed them to add the third window and then drew the cross on the marble wall with her finger.
Dioscorus immediately sought out his daughter and demanded to know why she had deviated from his strict instructions. Barbara responded in a very loving way to her father that indeed the three windows represented the three Lights which guide everyone who comes into the world. Barbara then proceeded to explain and confess her faith in the Holy Trinity.
Upon hearing this Dioscorus became enraged! Barbara had been open tot he grace of God through her pure heart and even thoguh she had no human helper she was able to meet with some Christians in secret who told her about Christ and His teachings. Barbare had sought out the truth and with the help of God she became a Christian who loved God passionately.
In a rage, Dioscorus delivered Barbara to Marcian, the Roman prefect, to torture her until she denied Christ. Young Barbara was tortured mercilessly and through it all Barbara stood firm in her faith and would not deny Christ or the Christian faith.
She was then tossed into prison and ordered to return the following day. In her cell, Barbara knelt in prayer to ask God to continue to grant her the strength to remain faithful to Him, and as she prayed her wounds were completely healed.
When Barbara was brought in front of Marcian the following day he was amazed to see that her wounds had healed and demanded her to deny Christ. Her refusal angered the prefect and her father. Marcian ordered her body to be hung on a stake and ripped with iron claws. The soldiers then burned her wounds with hot irons and beat her head with spiked clubs. Yet through it all, Barbara found consolation in prayer.
She endured her torture singing hymns and praising God. In a fit of frustration Marcian pronounced a sentence of death upon her. When Dioscorus, who was watching the his daughter’s torture, heard Marcian pronounce the sentence, he offered to execute Saint Barbara himself with his own sword. Saint Barbara was then led out of the city to a mountainside were she was beheaded by her father. As the Dioscorus hurried down the mountainside, a great bolt of lightning came from heaven striking Dioscorus and killing him. When Marcian, who was a cowardly bully, heard of these events, he became so paralyzed by fear that he died of fright.
Saint Barbara gained her crown of martyrdom on December 4, 306 and joined her true Father in Heaven. Barbara is the patroness of the US Field Artillery and architects as well as many other things including death by fire and death by explosions. To commemorate her feast day the children and I read about her extraordinary life and talked about the importance of standing firm in your faith. Being a soldier for Christ might not necessarily mean taking arms and opposition can, unfortunately, even come from those dearest to us. Since Saint Barbara is the patroness of architects and it is the Advent season I thought it would be fun to make gingerbread houses.
First off, let me tell you that I cheated. I used graham crackers, canned frosting and store bought candies. It didn't matter to my children or the dear little friend we had visiting. They had a glorious time.
I will update this post with photos as soon as I can find the cord that connects my camera to the laptop. Right now I am running around like a crazy lunatic tearing the house apart calmly searching likely spots where it might have been misplaced.
Meanwhile I will leave you with this from Catholic Culture;
"She is especially invoked for preservation from sudden death. She is one of the "Fourteen Holy Helpers."
Saint Barbara, thou noble bride,
To thee my body I confide
As well in life as at life's end.
Come, aid me when I breathe my last,
That I may, ere here all is past,
Receive the Blessed Sacrament!
I found the camera chord! Actually my dear husband did. He also fixed the internet so now I can update with some pictures.