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December 10, 2010



my birthday is in 2 days (dec 12) and I can agree with everything you said (I turn 40 this year btw! and I STILL want my presents wrapped in birthday paper! and NO santa pinatas please for kids! snowmen are ok, though!) I can remember one year my mom said as I was opening my birthday presents "I'm so sorry, I usually do a better job of seperating your gifts between your birthday and Christmas, I didn't do a good job this year, so... this is what you got....." yaaaayyyyyy :( I never trusted that what she got me was "thought of" for my birthday ever again!

My husband does pretty well, but has never given me a birthday party because "everyone is so busy with the holiday parties and all, they don't have time to come to your birthday party" so I don't expect a "surprise party" for my 40th! LOL But he does just shop for my birthday, then for Christmas..and the kids work hard to make it a special day too!


I have an adult friend whose birthday is Christmas day... She mentioned last year that each year, all her family ring her in the morning (before she's _out_ of bed—she doesn't have kids:-) ) to wish her Happy Birthday, they have a conversation and hang up. Then a few minutes later, they ring her to wish her Merry Christmas:-) She said it was one of her favourite things about her birthday:-)


I love this post! My birthday is the 23rd, by husband's is the 29th and our oldest child's is on the 5th! Growing up my birthday was always kind of a let down because I remember my mom being so busy wrapping and food prepping and cleaning the house for Christmas day, there was usually nothing special about it. And I never had a homemade birthday cake :( It was always the same- and decorated for Christmas usually- from Baskins Robbins. I liked it, but everyone else had a homemade cake for their birthdays! My parents usually just gave me a small gift on my birthday and then on my half birthday (in June) they would give me some birthday gifts--- they claim we celebrated like this always, but I don't remember that much about it! Oh well!! Now on my birthday *I'm* the one busy wrapping and food prepping and cleaning (or getting ready to travel) for Christmas day! So funny! Although, my husband has always been wonderful about preparing a special dinner and dessert - a wonderful, welcome treat!

Anyway, I love your IHOP tradition. As you say, anything that makes the December birthday special and different from the rest is great. Our home is still filled with balloons and homemade birthday banners from my daughter's birthday the other day. They're mixed right in with the Christmas decorations!

Jennifer Gregory Miller

Thank you! We have a December 13th birthday, and it's a huge adjustment for me. My husband's is January 6, and much of this applies to him, too!

Karen Kasiecki

Any recipes?

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