A few days ago Mary posted the link to Paper Dali, the site of free paper doll saints for you to print as well as very reasonably priced feast day sets. We printed the Juan Diego doll and made a nifty stand out of cardboard for him to hang out on our Mary table during his feast day.
Sorry about the poor quality of this photo but you can see St. Juan Diego there with hat in hand. We made the stand by simply slitting the cardstock between the saint's feet and inserting a piece of stiff cardboard crossways.
Since St. Juan Diego's feast comes 3 days before that of Our Lady of Guadalupe, we decided to add the colored and decorated tilma at that time.
Now imagine how thrilled I am today to find that Paper Dali has added Our Lady of Guadalupe and Uncle Bernardino!! There is not a new doll for Bishop Zumarraga but Vee has a link to St. Nicholas, who can easily become another bishop.
Later this afternoon our 5 and 9 year old will color our new figures while we watch Juan Diego: Messenger of Guadalupe. We will add Our Lady, then Uncle Bernardino and the Bishop over the next couple of days, then the tilma along with some more roses on the 12th. Thank you Paper Dali!!
Ohhh, how fun to see my Juan Diego there! :) Thanks for the mention and for the lovely picture. Many blessings to you and your family!
Posted by: Vee | December 17, 2009 at 11:08 PM