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November 19, 2009



What would be your second favorite Advent Chant CD? Your favorite is not in my price range..and I have no idea which one to choose next. Thanks!

Jennifer Gregory Miller

Sorry about that, Betsy! Not very helpful, was it? I like the •Gregorian Chant: The Lord Is Near - Chants of Advent (Der Herr Ist Nahe) next. Then the Meinrad...I'm choosing these because they are more complete in listings. I hope that helps a bit.


Thank you!!! I will let you know how I like it! :)


Dellar Consort's People Look East is our favorite too! Have it on the playlist and love it.....My two older girls have been singing it in choir at the cathedral. We're also singing O Come Divine Messiah this year in the evening. And, Cambridge Singers are my favorite Christmas CDs!!!

Jennifer Gregory Miller

Suzanne, you're the first person outside of my family who is familiar with the Deller Consort! And obviously, I think you have great taste in Christmas music!


I have listening to the "Gregorian Chant: The Lord is Near" CD and I am loving it. I am thoroughly enjoying the idea of only listening to Advent music.

I also purchased the Dellar Consort's CD that you recommended...I am looking forward to listening to them as well.

Thanks for all of the great ideas!

Jennifer Gregory Miller

I'm thrilled you like it. Deller Consort is a collection of 4 cds, and my favorite is the Christmas one, Hark Ye Shepherds, but there are Advent pieces, like the People Look East rendition.

I also found out that two songs on that same cd were originally poems written by Frances Chesterton, wife of G.K. Chesterton, and set to music, “How Far is It to Bethlehem?” and “The Birds”.

Elizabeth West

As a musician I use music quite a bit in my worship and my entering into the Seasons of the Church. A few years ago I went on a mission to find Advent music that was truly Advent music. I have been able to find a few and the following are my 3 favorite CDs. The first is Catholic group, The Brotherhood of Hope. They are more contemporary in scope and though I wouldn't call the CD beautiful, it is enjoyable and uplifting and draws me into the Advent season. Season of Hope: Rediscovering Our Advent Heritage

The following are beautiful choral arrangements of Advent music by two different Episcopal choirs. Unfortunately I have been unable to find any similar recordings by any Catholic choirs (if you know of any good choirs, you should encourage them to do a recording!). These CDs contain familiar hymns, chants, and polyphonic songs that are all Advent.

Advent at St. Paul's

Music for Advent

I just wanted to share what I have found. It is nice to change up the music playing since this is such a special and short time of year. Hopefully it is helpful to others who desire to have something different from the normal routine of music playing in their homes without needing to give in to all Christmas all the time.


I just wanted to share this with you as you have inspired me to gather Advent music this year. My husband got on the band wagon with the gift of Legends of St. Nicholas: Medieval Chant & Polyphony by Anonymous 4 waiting for me in my shoes this morning.

If you don't know of Anonymous 4 you must look into their music (I am assuming that you know if them, though)'s spectacular!!!

This CD is just icing on the cake for Advent music!!!!


Jennifer Gregory Miller

Oh, I agree, Betsy! I love Anonymous 4. We use that cd around our St. Nicholas celebrations. Another cd or cds to add to your Advent music are the cds from SAVAE, there are two for Our Lady of Guadalupe. These are different, but beautiful. My husband reminds me to play them every year.

Jennifer Gregory Miller

Thank you, Elizabeth, for the great suggestions. I was familiar with the Advent at St. Paul's, but not the others. I agree--we need more Catholic recordings!

It's becoming easier to make your own playlist from different cds, but it is so much easier to stick in one cd and play all the way through and say "This is Advent music!"

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