We have always maintained here at O Night Divine that Christmas begins on the Feast of the Nativity of Our Lord and that the time leading up to that day is a time of preparation called Advent. Most of the readers of this blog know that and most of the rest of the world does not.
Advent is a time to prepare our souls, hearts and homes for the coming of the Christ child. While Lent gets all the press for sacrifice Advent is also a season of sacrifice and penance.
Some people have sacrifice and penance thrust upon them.
From Hillside Education's website they have a new Helping Those In Need Page :
More and more we are hearing about good people struggling with the simple things of life that many of us take for granted. We'd like to make a small dent in the needs of people that we hear about. All the items for sale on this page are donated and all income goes directly to families who are in special need of help. Prices include shipping.
This month, (from now until Christmas) the proceeds go to help the Quigley family in Lancaster, PA who have 2 children recently diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes (see picture above). Because of a mistake in processing their claim and bureaucratic red tape to correct the problem, the insurance company will not be covering the insulin needed by the children for at least a month. The family is unable to cover the cost of the insulin, yet it is essential to keeping the children alive
Michele and her family are dear friends of myself and my family and this insurance disaster comes at a particularly difficult time. Her daughter Maggie was recently in the ER and things just seem to be piling up in the way that things do when you are down.
I would like to appeal to all of my readers to visit the page at Hillside and consider making a purchase or a donation to help out. To give up a treat or present makes the giving holy and helps to prepare your soul. It also merits some grace for both the giver and the recipient.
You might also consider giving as a Christmas gift Michele's lovely planners. She now has the January - December 2009 planners ready and I can tell you they are lovely and make very nice gifts.
I will be occasionally posting here about oppotunities to practice Christ-like charity as we prepare for Christmas joy. Think how much more joyful our celebrations will be when we know that our giving included helping those in need and making a difference in the lives of our fellow man.
Blessings to you all.
Thanks for this heads-up. I posted with a link here & placed my order :)
Posted by: Barb Szyszkiewicz, sfo | November 19, 2008 at 04:18 AM