While perusing my Google Reader I came upon this post by Red Cardigan. I was very upset to learn that the poinsettias that I love to use to decorate my home with likely come from a ranch in California whose owners are ardent supporters of Planned Parenthood and abortion. After a bit of clicking around the internet I can only conclude that this is, in fact, true and well known. I didn't know it, and maybe some of you don't either.
From the Restoring America website:
"During the Christmas season, millions of pots of red poinsettias can be seen in nearly every church in America. It is also a good possibility that those same poinsettias were purchased from an Ecke Ranch broker or supplier (http://www.ecke.com/new1/poinsettias.asp). The Ecke Family, which owns Ecke Ranch in Encinitas, California, supplies 70% of all of the poinsettias sold in the entire United States (http://www.pauleckepoinsettias.com/html/comp_fset.html). The Ecke Family is also one of the biggest financial supporters in the United States of the abortion mills of Planned Parenthood. The red in Ecke Ranch poinsettias are not just red from a horticultural perspective. They are red, stained with the blood of thousands and thousands of exterminated unborn babies courtesy of the Planned Parenthood abortion mills which have been funded, in part, by the very networks tied to the Ecke Family."
Restore America has lists printed by Planned Parenthood of their donors and this family and all of it's members are prominately featured. They even went so far as to finance the construction of an abortion mill.
This website exists to extol the beauty and joy that comes with celebrating the coming of the Christ child. To have to bring up a topic like this pains me but I felt compelled to urge everyone who reads here to please contact your pastor and urge him not to purchase flowers that come from this farm. A flowerless church would be preferable. There are also many beautiful and inexpensive alternatives; pine boughs, red carnations, holly, pepper berries and I'm sure many others.
We may not be able to change the minds of the Ecke family (although praying for a change of heart is something we all should do) we can affect their pocketbooks enough to make them re-think how they spend their money.
That's awful :(
Posted by: Ruth | September 13, 2007 at 02:22 PM
Oh no! I hate finding these things out, but I also don't want to unwittingly support something so antithetical to my very being!
Thanks for the heads up!
Posted by: Kitty | September 15, 2007 at 01:37 PM
A friend sent me this link for an alternative source for poinsettias!
We're going to look into it and see if our local parishes want to support this instead of the Ecke ranch
Posted by: Kitty | September 19, 2007 at 08:47 AM
Thanks for the info, very sad.
Posted by: Linda | October 15, 2007 at 04:12 PM
Here's another resource. We take our children here every year to take gorgeous photos with thousands of poinsettias!
Posted by: Kendra | October 25, 2007 at 10:01 PM
Mary Ellen, I am late reading this post but am so grateful that you made us aware of this. How sad. I had no idea they supplied so many of our country's Christmas flowers.
Posted by: Rebecca | November 02, 2007 at 05:02 PM