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December 11, 2006



This was wonderfully written. We're been struggling the last week and I see so many of my errors listed above. Thank you.


You're a wise woman, Elizabeth. Thanks for this.


Thank you for reminding us to stay mindful of our children's needs during this busy time of year.


Thank you for posting this.
I have just such a child--one for whom a houseful of noisy guests is overwhelming.
Last year we moved our tv to the attic to "make room for the Christmas tree", and we never did bring it back. It's been a great year full of imaginative play!


Absolutely beautiful! You never, ever fail to remind me of what is important. You put into words so beautifully what I have often felt to be true. "Choose wisely" will be the guiding words for our Christmas activities. Thank you for articulating this so wonderfully.


Thank you for this timely reminder. I love the part about children not holding the palm pilot..good reminder to talk in great depth about what is coming.


Great post. This is important to remember.


Wonderful, thank you!


Thank you for this. I just sat with my second daughter as she was crying that she needed to sleep in my bed. What a timely reminder.

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