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November 30, 2006



Maryellen, this is a wonderfully diverse carnival that I will be visiting again and again! Nice work!

Love2learn Mom

Lovely carnival - thanks for everything!

Nancy C. Brown

Thank you, I can't wait to peruse all the information. Happy Advent!

Alice Gunther

Mary Ellen, you have outdone yourself, as usual, with a Carnival we will never forget. Thank you, as always, for your kindness toward me in particular and for everything you do to make the world a better and more holy place.

Ana Braga-Henebry

Wow.. Just beautiful! I am enjoying it a tidbit at a time. Thanks for all your work!

Ana Braga-Henebry

Wow.. Just beautiful! I am enjoying it a tidbit at a time. Thanks for all your work!


I will pop in and out of here all day. Thank you for all your hard work!

Jennifer in TX

Mary Ellen,
Thank you for taking the precious hours out of your busy day to do this. The carnival is lovely!!


Mary Ellen,
Thank you for taking the time to be the hostess of this carnival. You have done a wonderful job putting it together. I pray you and your family have a blessed Advent and Christmas!

Maureen Wittmann

Mary Ellen, awesome carnival! I may be spending the next few days checking out all the great blog entries! Thank you!!!

Suzanne Temple

This is such a great carnival! Thank you so much!!


Wow! This is absolutely incredible. I will forward this to my friends. Thanks for all you have done.
God bless. Ruth


Mary Ellen, this carnival is an absolute blessing! Thank you so much for putting together such a joyous post!


You did such a wonderful job with this carnival, Mary Ellen! Thank you so much!

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